[Fixed] Blogger Favicon not Updating
Favicon is a small icon file show in tab bar of the respective blog near your title.
You can upload your own Favicon image from the Layout tab in your Blogger Dashboard.
Uploading your Favicon
To upload your own Favicon image
Step 1. Go to Blogger
Step 2. Select the blog in which you want to upload your own Favicon image
Step3. Go to ➟ Layout ➟ Click on Edit Option near Favicon.
Now Upload custom favicon
Note : Select a favicon file. Please use a square image that's less than 100 KB.
You Can Check you icon by following web address
http://[yourblog] (Replace the blog name in the URL)
Updating your Favicon
To upload your own Favicon image
Step 1. Go to Blogger
Step 2. Select the blog in which you want to upload your own Favicon image
Step3. Go to ➟ Layout ➟ Click on Edit Option near Favicon.
Click Remove link
Choose icon file
Note : Select a favicon file. Please use a square image that's less than 100 KB.
You Can Check you icon by following web address
http://[yourblog] (Replace the blog name in the URL)
[Fixed] Favicon not Updating -
After some time when you need to change or update your icon image . it can be successfully updated but some some some of you might get error or it may not be updated after updating it. You may continue seeing your old icon image.
1. Try to Refresh your Blog
This is the first thing you can do. Try for the fix after refreshing it, if it works then it's fine for you otherwise you need move on the other steps.
2. Clear history and cashe
It may happens due to the caches, stored image and file in your computer. Even the blog has been updated on the server many times it just loads the cached files to make the loading faster and doesn't request the server for a new and updated content. So It can be fixed by refreshing your blog using CTRL+F5(Windows) or CMD+F5(MAC). It must fix the problem but if it is not fix you need to again move onto next fix.
3. Refresh the Favicon itself
In this step you need to refresh the Favicon cache too, here's the way.
We know that Favicon for Blogger blogs are stored on the domain and it's name favicon.ico, it's simple that we can find our Favicon here.
http://[yourblog] (Replace the blog name in the URL)
If you have recently uploaded your Favicon but you are seeing the old default Blogger Favicon then it is now almost fixed. On the Favicon page just press CTRL+F5(Windows) or CMD+F5(MAC) and you will see your own Favicon on that URL, it means you are successful in getting the new content on that URL from the server.
4. Update Favicon link URL inside the Template.
If you have tried everything and your favicon icon have not updated, then the following method can surely will work for you. For this you have to go inside the template of your blog. You need to update the favicon link inside the template . You need to do it manually.
You can see here in the image where old icon file is presented in the the template. You can update it with new favicon url.
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